A light of
winter in the sky
A taste of
metal in the wind
A hunger a cold
devouring of light
A people
adrift lost
A long
drift, drags across the shore
A broken
ship’s bones break the sullen wave
A lost dream
is for a moment seen
A torn heart
falls to the sea foam
A promise torn
from a book of lies
A picture of
the wise fool flutters
A banner proclaiming
false hope
A tired
breeze shakes through the litter
A darkness
fills the heart of
A people who
once saw
A broken
person as
A chance to
A lie here,
a sad whisper and all they see
A burden, a
A foreigner,
a different dreamer
A thing not
a brother or sister in need
Where the word
of hope,
Where the
prophet of joy,
Where the lord
of men
Where the teacher
of truth,
Where the
priest of love
Where the
carrier of light,
Where the
healer of pain
Where the restorer
of the broken