Wednesday 2 August 2023

Our planet burns.

 Each year there are catastrophic wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean, in Australia, in the UK over the last few years.

We have seen cyclones and hurricanes stronger than our memories, the sea level is rising, the glaciers are shrinking.  Wildlife is moving north and south as the polar regions warm, some of the wildlife will have nowhere to go, the polar bear may disappear.

The deserts grow and the people of the Sahel lose their lands and their freedom.

 Our government and opposition suddenly, see the votes of a posh London suburb turn on anti-pollution measures because the voters don’t understand or care and instead of speaking truth, politicians trip over each other in trying to seem car friendly, suddenly allowing more fossil fuel (1) exploitation.  Instead of a struggle for truth and justice, a race instead to placate the foolish and the selfish. 

The cry of the high-minded freedom activists (the rich tories) “It interferes with freedom of motorists”.  I ask, “are they free to drive drunk, to race through the streets, to kill”, we all know the answer is no, so nor should they be free to poison the air we breathe

Those who seek to protest are going to to be criminalised because they inconvenience the comfortable, the wildfires interfered with their holiday, heaven help that they are delayed on their commute 

It’s time to call out the lies, the darkness, let us speak truth to each other, let us hold each other in our prayers, lets us become a people again.   We are fragmented communities without connection, without trust in each other, the first action of authorities is to deny instead of speaking truth, to apologise for mistakes.  So let us together make a pact to speak truth, to pray for each other, to smile at each other, to be kind to one another, maybe then people will begin to trust other 

(1) Infosys, owned by the Prime Minister’s father in law signed a billion  dollar deal with  BP  two months before Sunak opened  hundreds  of  new  licenses for gas and Oil extraction from the north sea  ( London economic  )  Infosys  list Shell amongst their  clients  ,  incidentally  the Shell  CEO  joined  Sunak’s new “business  council” two weeks ago