Wednesday 18 October 2023

The tears of God

A holy place was built on the high hill
Here the Holy One had His presence
Here was the most sacred place on all the earth
Here the holy man was enraged by the defiled space
Here He taught about the Kingdom of God 
Here the soldiers ran and stained the stone with blood, 
Here the stones were torn down 
Here it was barren, stones over a recovering city
Here in an amazing night another prophet visted
Here it become the holy ground
Here a great dome of gold was built
Here the children of the one God began to squabble 
Here they called each other names and threw stones
He was hung from a tree, stretched in pain 
God wept

His children were scattered 
His children kept fighting 
His children fought and killed each other
His children blamed each other for their own mistakes
His children began to slaughter each other 
He was gassed and burnt- hanging in the air in a soundless scream 
God wept 

His children gathered in the holy place
Here they would find peace together 
Here they would build a new and just society
Here they created a new catastrophe
Here they created new wars 
Here they created new injustices 
Here His children found more ways to hurt each other. 
Here they learnt to make the weapons of hellfire 
Here they learnt how to hate, how to be cruel
Here they learnt to lie  
Here they bound each other into ghettos 
Here they unleashed death, killing children
He looked up into the unsmiling face of the gunman, on the missile aimed at His home
God Wept  

God weeps for his children, 
for our inability to love, 
for the way we only teach hate
for our fear
Good weeps