Tuesday 3 November 2009

The End of Autumn

A couple of days ago we visted Jerusalem Farm, a council owned Campsite and LNR near us.  It was afternoon on last nice day in October and we were looking for Fungi.   And we found them but what we found far more of were all the leaves of autumn fallen from the woodland trees.  Oak, beech, sycamore leaves carpeted the ground, the children scooped them into piles and jumped deep into them.  We found mushrooms and earth balls, strange bracket fungi and a quiet gentle light.   Like much of this Autumn, it was strangely still and warm and the river ran through the very image of  this magical season.

  Later as we left to drive home, I noticed Fieldfares and redwings in the rowan trees and driving home a startled jay fled accross the road and then the kestrel was there.  Just sitting on the wall in front of us . it looked at us , flew a little further on,  again resting on the roadside wall we crept closer and it flew off  - only then did I remember the camera!

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