Thursday 1 August 2019


Soft languorous heat builds,
Each breath of the day seems hotter
Each tender touch of the air brings a momentary
Illusion of respite

The green valley seethes in the sun
And still stays green
Water runs still in the many little rills and becks
The air carries so much still

Even the birds fly slowly 
Silence grows over the valley
I look for the lizards on the baking stones
But it was too cold yesterday and will be tomorrow

Pale shadows drift over the hay stripped meadows
When the true clouds come
Will they rage with all this water?
All this heat, will the sky crack open  ?

Shall we dance in the rain?
Shall the coolness return ?
Shall the stone crack ?
Shall the sky turn black ?

Will the slugs and snails dance? 
Will the birds hide ?
Will deer run under the trees?
Will the water run off the ducks backs?

A red admiral drifts as high as my window
Celebrating the warmth
Joyous as the clouds grow
In the blue sky

The heat remained

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