Thursday 4 July 2019

In the beginning

The Christian and Jewish scriptures start with the words – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” before the writer goes to describe how he thought God did it and for 4500 year ago I don’t think he did a bad job.
The creation is now revealed after 4,500 years of thought and tests to be even more amazing and immense than the genesis writer could have imagined.  At the beginning of time a singularity exploded and within a few moments all that is, was made.   In the unimaginable violence of the beginning of space and time, matter and antimatter were created in there most fundamental states collided into each other and annihilated themselves eventually a bit more matter was made and became the building blocks of all we see (and perhaps the dark matter we don’t). 
 It took time for the universe to cool enough for protons and electrons  to for hydrogen,  and then  it took even longer for the hydrogen atoms to clump together eventually to form stars,  and it was in the massive  starts  that the other elements were forged, carbo, oxygen, gold. 
These early stars were massive and unstable and took to blowing up scattering their contents all over the universe,  more stars formed  in their wreckage  and eventually enough stuff was made to  build rocking planets and asteroids   and eventually even Sol and her planets came into being and on at least one of them a carbon based life cycle began and evolved until standing on the edge of a tiny rock, spinning round  a small bright star, on the edge of a smallish galaxy  of millions of starts in an infinite  universe of galaxies,  a life form emerged and asked who am I, why am I,  how am I.

That life form had evolved from other creatures but was somehow different – somehow developed art and then in its current form – language and then writing so ideas could be shared and communicated between groups and generations, and then we could post selfies.
In all this, the human species had somewhere in their make up had a God hole - a curiosity that could not be sated and they wrote books about God ,  they wrote books about the world, about maths, about their emotions and they made music. 
A very different picture to the one in genesis, but it is the one that right now I think is right
None of this means I believe in science, because that is a meaningless statement,  the curiosity  of  humans  comes from the God hole  in us, we want to know everything – about the world, about the universe, about God,  each generation learns more, each generation stands on the shoulders of  giants and sees more.  

There are some humans who are afraid of the new, not ready to see the wonders of the creation and lacking knowledge  of  the way things are made, they turn away and  curse the new  and reject the God  but call themselves worshipers, denying the real wonder of the maker, because they don’t understand and they want not to think.  

There are others who see only the physical, the tactile and they raise new gods, themselves, crowing on their own dunghills.   Some of these little gods are kind, others cruel and isolated, but they all see only their own words as true.

Some rejoice in all the new, for in revealing the new of how God did things reveals how wonderful the God is, how amazing the world he gave us is.  These worshippers of the maker seek to discover more about the maker, about the made world, about the made humans. They live in a world of change, of life, of hope, they will go gentle into the next adventure, because they will know that there is so much more to know.  These are the true creationists. 

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