Monday 6 April 2020

Easter 2020

The sun comes out and the silent town shines
A roofer only glimpsed now through the greening branches
A tree that I could see through a few days ago when they started work    
A car now and then on the main road
Hardly any go past us 
I see a tiny scrap of colour fly my way 
A Blue tit heading for the feeder   

 The sun passes and the sky is grey again but only now for a time
Gone are the weeks and weeks of dampness, darkness
Rain sodden land and heavy leaden skies
Now as the year turns toward Easter, the siege is lifted
The earth responds with daffodils and celandine
Daisies and wood anemones break out 

The birds sing and the search for nests is in earnest now
Eggs are waiting to be laid
In the dens cubs and kits beginning to open their eyes 
Heron eggs hatch in time for the frog and toad 
Migration to their birth ponds
The shackles of winter – this dull sullen winter are broken 

But we stay indoors, stay quiet - the roads are safe 
No toad wardens needed, a spring like no other
The air is clearer; the songs of the robin carry further
We keep apart from each other, only the families together
Fear walks the earth in each one of us 
Are we going catch this and carry it home? 

In silent empty churches dust falls but the christians are here
Easter is coming - no easter egg hunts - but the real hope
Christ dies on the cross and in hospitals all over, our hearts break  
But it is not all:  the Recreation of Hope, of Life in our broken lands
The living Christ fills us with a moment of joy
The promise of love triumphant, death overthrown, life eternal

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