Friday 29 January 2021


 It is foolish to sit here and say I am unaffected by the lockdown.   I have worked at home since March 23rd 2020,  I have gone in to a place of work perhaps 7 times since.   Fiona works in a school and has been busy apart from the summer term 2020.  We have continued to get paid.  We managed two weeks of hols last summer, ok we lost a cottage this coming Feb but we have got all our money back.   We have a had a full house with two of our three children staying with us and we have a loving busy and active Springer.   We have good broadband so it’s easy to talk with family and friends.  We can buy in a takeaway each week, we are all good cooks.   We are too all intents safe and secure.  We are not folk for going out and partying, but actually managed to get out for a meal for our anniversary.   We are safe, our eldest who lives away and his partner tested positive for the virus but were completely unaffected.    

Why then should we feel stressed - but why wouldn’t we be.  Our world is in the grip of a terrible pandemic and it seems that we are merely pawns of a government who want to make political points and so few true comprehensive statements alas!

It appears that the virus crossed from a bat species via an unknown (possibly pangolin) intermediate host species in a “wet” market in Wuhan China.  The pangolin, if it was the intermediate host,  should not have been there as it is both pa protected species and wrongly believed to have health benefits  (pangolin scales and rhino horn both made out of the same thing as our fingernails are oddly believed to possess mystic healing properties).  However now, the authorities there,  are trying to deny this to their population. The ex-president of the USA kept calling it the Chinese disease so is it a surprise they push back at this foolishness and truth lies bleeding in the crossfire along with the hope we can stop this again.

Other fantasists like the pangolin eaters, think it is caused by radio masts for 5g phones, others believe the vaccine is full of nanobots.   Governments are so distrusted that no-one follows the rules – except in a few places of either extreme despotism, or rarer still, good trusted governments.

So we see a world slowly fragmenting into distrust and sadness and we can’t hug our loved ones, the next generation who give us hope, the previous generations who remind us of the hygge of Home.   Instead we all have to stand alone, tired and sad, finding some joy where we can, each person or family on their own sandcastle.   Waiting for the isolation to end.  So we all suffer, we  all ache in this time.  

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