Wednesday 13 January 2021


 Grey clouds touch the earth, mist and damp 

The planet seems to be weeping.

In this time in the pandemic,  

the time when we have a vaccine, 

why is the earth weeping?

She weeps for those who have died

And for those who are yet to die.

Tears for those who death was too soon.

How many have passed into the night

Because of our desire for pleasure,  

our false economic equality of a human soul 

and a business selling beer and fags.

Broken hearts join their tears to the skies.

Broken plans litter the years past 

and the time till the spring.

Those who died without the virus 

Passed from our lives all to quietly

We lost our chance to say goodbye

The darkness of winter is on our hearts,  

we lost our Easter, our Eid, our Diwali.

The earth keeps moving – keeps on turning

The endless dance of gravity brings it  al 

 round and round again and again 

The earth is turning 

The snow has melted away and left the drops of white behind

Spikes of green break the frozen the earth

Soon the celandine will capture the sun on the woodland floor

Easter will come again.

And we will walk in the greening woods, our hearts will find healing

And maybe our feet will join the dance of life anew.       

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